The newest minesweeper owned by the Indonesian Navy

The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Navy will again add two newest ships as minesweeper warships MCMV (Mine Counter Measure Vessel) made by Abeking & Rasmussen (A&R) Shipyard, Germany. ( KSAL) Admiral TNI Yudo Margono.

These two sophisticated ships were named by KSAL Yodo Margono as MCMV 60 on Fani Island and Fanildo Island. In addition to having the capability of modern mine warfare technology, the ship also has other sophistication features, such as:

1.Ships made with Non-magnetic steel.

2. Has a Degaussing system, as a function to reduce ship magnetism, is also equipped with an electric motor drive to minimize noise levels.

3.The dimensions of the ship have a length: 61.4 meters, and a ship width: 11.1 meters.

4.Equipped with the latest sonar equipment that is able to detect, and classify contacts underwater.

5. It has an ROV (Remotely Overated Vehicle, a tool for identifying and neutralizing mines, and also a tool called AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) as a function to help detect and classify underwater contacts.

6.It will also be equipped with USV (Unmanned Surface Vessel) technology, which is an unmanned ship for hunting and minesweeping. The importance of procuring the two ships is because Indonesia has a very wide sea, where two-thirds of its territory consists of oceans where there are still many sea mines. relics of the second world war. In addition, because of the dynamic development of mine weapon technology today.

The sustainable development of warships is a priority program that is committed to increasing and developing defense forces and capabilities in a professional manner, especially the defense of the marine dimension, which requires very dynamic technology and development.

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The Indonesian Navy needs MCMV ships to keep Indonesian waters safe, free from disturbances and threats of underwater weapons, especially mines, and to clean Indonesian waters that still have the potential for mine hazards.***

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