This Is The Position Of The United States Military Power In 2022, Still a “Super Power”?

According to the Global Fire Fower website, the United States still remains the number one strongest country until 2022. The country led by President Joe Biden has provided a budget for its defense forces annually to reach $770 billion.
The following are the United States military forces that are able to survive to be number one in the world:
Military Personnel : 1,810,000 Personnel

• 1,390,000 – Active Personnel

• 420,000 – Reserve Personnel

Warships : 484 Units

• 11 units – Carrier

• 9 units – Amphibious Ship

• 92 units – Destroyer

• 22 units – Corvette Ship

• 68 units – Submarine

• 10 units – Patrol Ship

• 8 units – Minesweeper

Military Aircraft: 13,247 Units

• 1,957 units – Fighter Aircraft

• 783 units – Ground Attack Aircraft

• 982 units – Transport Ship

• 910 units – Combat Helicopters

Ground Forces:

• • 6,612 units – Tanks

• 45,193 units – Armored Vehicles

• 1,339 units – Pull Artillery

• 1,498 units – Self Artillery – Mobile

• 1,366 units – Rocket Launcher

With the details above, it is not surprising that America still remains at Number One in the world in terms of military strength, so it is still worthy of being called a Super Power country.***

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